Variety, the spice of life —

Although there are some who only seek out the big fish, I’m at a point in life where the goal has changed somewhat. I still LOVE to catch the big fish, but I also am thrilled with a variety of species. This is true, in part, because I have fished on 123 ocean piers in California catching 123 different species. I’m always looking for new California piers and new California pier species. Days when I catch a number of different species are always most interesting. One pier, the Cabrillo Mole in Avalon, on Catalina Island, seems to dominate the entry list. Each year it seems to produce a large plethora of different species on most days (even if they tend to be the same species year to year). However, many, many California piers have made the list.

Multi-species days — from one pier 

Sixteen species trip:

Cabrillo Mole, April 26, 2013—Jack Mackerel, Kelp Bass, Blacksmith, Senorita, Kelp Rockfish, Garibaldi, Halfmoon, Opaleye, Grass Rockfish, Pacific Mackerel, Treefish, California Scorpionfish, Sheephead, Pacific Sardine, Black Seaperch, Spotted Kelpfish

Treefish taken from the Cabrillo Mole in Avalon — 2013

Fifteen species trip:

Cabrillo Mole, April 27, 2013—Kelp Bass, Pacific Mackerel, Jack Mackerel, Kelp Rockfish, Blacksmith, Treefish, Black Seaperch, Sheephead, Garibaldi, Senorita, Halfmoon, Opaleye, Pacific Sardine, Grass Rockfish, Spotted Kelpfish

Cabrillo Mole, September 19, 2010—Kelp Bass, Garibaldi, Senorita, Jack Mackerel, Jacksmelt, Opaleye, Halfmoon, Sheephead, Giant Kelpfish, Treefish, Blacksmith, Striped Kelpfish, Rock Wrasse, Blackperch, Finescale Triggerfish

Finescale Triggerfish taken from the Cabrillo Mole in Avalon — 2010

Thirteen species trip:

Avila Pier, August 3, 2013—California Lizardfish, White Croaker, Speckled Sanddab, Brown Rockfish, Vermilion Rockfish, Yellowtail Rockfish, Bocaccio, Cabezon, Kelp Greenling, Blue Rockfish, Onespot Fringehead, Barred Surfperch, Jacksmelt

Cabrillo Mole, April 27, 2012—Kelp Bass, Pacific Mackerel, Jack Mackerel, Pacific Sardine, Senorita, Blacksmith, Opaleye, Treefish, Sheephead, Cabezon, California Scorpionfish, Kelp Rockfish, Halfmoon

Cabezon from the Cabrillo Mole in Avalon — 2012

Cabrillo Mole, April 23. 2010—Kelp Bass, Opaleye, Senorita, California Scorpionfish, Garibaldi, Rock Wrasse, Sheephead, Jacksmelt, Halfmoon, Kelp Rockfish, Treefish, Giant Kelpfish, Spotted Kelpfish

Sheephead from the Cabrillo Mole in Avalon — 2012

 Twelve species trips:

Cabrillo Mole, April 16, 2011—Blacksmith, Jack Mackerel, Kelp Bass, Pacific Mackerel, Ocean Whitefish, Senorita, California Scorpionfish, Salema, Treefish, Kelp Rockfish, Brown Rockfish, Pacific Sardine + 2 Spiny Lobster

Cabrillo Mole, April 25, 2010—Sheephead, Garibaldi, Kelp Bass, Opaleye, Halfmoon, California Scorpionfish, Kelp Perch, Rock Wrasse, Kelp Rockfish, Senorita, Jacksmelt, Blackperch

  18″ Kelp Bass (calico bass) from the Cabrillo Mole in Avalon — 2010

Cabrillo Mole, April 24, 2009—Kelp Bass, Garibaldi, Giant Kelpfish, Opaleye, Halfmoon, Spotted Kelpfish, California Scorpionfish, Sheephead, Treefish, Senorita, Jacksmelt, Kelp Perch.

Eleven species trips:

Cabrillo Mole, April 28, 2012—Jack Mackerel, Pacific Mackerel, Blacksmith, Kelp Bass, Treefish, Kelp Rockfish, Garibaldi, Pacific Sardine, Sheephead, Jacksmelt, Senorita

Cabrillo Mole, April 24, 2010—Blacksmith, Jacksmelt, Kelp Rockfish, Kelp Bass, Rock Wrasse, Senorita, Pacific Mackerel, Opaleye. Garibaldi, Blackperch, Giant Kelpfish

Cabrillo Mole, April 18, 2008—Kelp Bass, Halfmoon, Senorita, Opaleye, Giant Kelpfish, Sheephead, Rock Wrasse, Garibaldi, Brown Rockfish, Blacksmith, Jacksmelt

California Scorpionfish (sculpin) from the Cabrillo Mole in Avalon — 2010

Cabrillo Mole, April 24, 2004—Garibaldi, Blacksmith, Senorita, Jacksmelt, Kelp Bass, Opaleye, Giant Kelpfish, Kelp Perch, Sheephead, Striped Kelpfish, Halfmoon

Pacifica Pier, June 12, 1977—Spotfin Surfperch, White Croaker, Walleye Surfperch, Sand Sole, Shinerperch, Staghorn Sculpin, Pacific Tomcod, Silver Surfperch, Redtail Surfperch, White Seaperch, Starry Flounder

My son Mike and a mix of fish from the Pacifica Pier — 1977

Ten species trips:

Morro Bay South T-Pier, August 2, 2013—California Lizardfish, Jacksmelt, Black and Yellow Rockfish, Gopher Rockfish, Brown Rockfish, Kelp Rockfish, Onespot Fringehead, Bocaccio, Chilipepper Rockfish, Vermilion Rockfish

 Onespot Fringehead from Monterey Wharf #2 — 2013

Monterey Wharf #2, July 20, 2013—California Lizardfish, Blue Rockfish, Speckled Sanddab, Pacific Sanddab, Cabezon, Senorita, Pileperch, Sharpnose Seaperch, Onespot Fringehead, Kelp Greenling + 3 Octopus

   Pileperch from Monterey Wharf #2 — 2013

Port San Luis Pier, July 7, 2013—California Lizardfish, Walleye Surfperch, Bocaccio, Speckled Sanddab, Copper Rockfish, Cabezon, Onespot Fringehead, White Seaperch, White Croaker, Rainbow Seaperch + 1 Octopus

Rainbow Seaperch from the Port San Luis Pier — 2013

Paradise Cove Pier, November 21, 2009—Walleye Surfperch, Giant Kelpfish, Jacksmelt, Black Seaperch, Sargo, Kelp Bass, Jack Mackerel, Queenfish, Striped Kelpfish, Thornback Ray + 1 Rock Crab (large).

Cabrillo Mole, April 21, 2007—Opaleye, Halfmoon, California Scorpionfish, Brown Rockfish. Kelp Rockfish, Garibaldi, Blacksmith, Jacksmelt, Rubberlip Seaperch, Treefish

  Opaleye from the Cabrillo Mole in Avalon — 2007

Cabrillo Mole, April 20, 2007—Jacksmelt, Opaleye, Senorita, Rock Wrasse, California Sheephead, Garibaldi, Giant Kelpfish, Kelp Bass, Blacksmith, Halfmoon

Goleta Pier, October 11, 2006—Brown Rockfish, Shinerperch, White Seaperch, Walleye Surfperch, Pileperch, Rainbow Seaperch, Kelp Bass, Jack Mackerel, Gopher Rockfish, Staghorn Sculpin

Goleta Pier, June 6, 2006—Shinerperch, Kelp Perch, Brown Rockfish, Kelp Bass, Pileperch, Barred Surfperch, Walleye Surfperch, Senorita, Speckled Sanddab, Padded Sculpin

Kelp Bass (calico bass) from the Goleta Pier — 2006

Cabrillo Mole, April 23, 2005—Halfmoon, Blacksmith, Kelp Bass, Sheephead, Garibaldi, Treefish, Senorita, Jacksmelt, Kelp Perch, Opaleye   

Opaleye from the Cabrillo Mole, Avalon — 2005

Green Pleasure Pier, April 22, 2004—Kelp Bass, Senorita, Blacksmith, Halfmoon, Rock Wrasse, Garibaldi, Sheephead, Jacksmelt, California Scorpionfish, Shinerperch

Santa Cruz Wharf,  Nov 21, 2003—Blue Rockfish, Jacksmelt, Speckled Sanddab, White Croaker, Staghorn Sculpin, Walleye Surfperch, Spotfin Surfperch, Yellowtail Rockfish (juvenile), Kelp Rockfish, White seaperch

Stearns Wharf, June 28, 1995—White Croaker, Pacific Mackerel, Jack Mackerel, Walleye Surfperch, White Seaperch, Barred Surfperch, Sand Bass, California Scorpionfish, Speckled Sanddab, Queenfish (plus 1 Crab and 2 Starfish)

Elephant Rock Pier, October 11, 1993—Jacksmelt, Walleye Surfperch, Dwarf Perch, Cabezon, Shinerperch, Kelp Rockfish, Black Seaperch, Striped Seaperch, Brown Rockfish, Kelp Greenling

Cabezon from Elephant Rock Pier

Pacifica Pier, January 8, 1977—Silver Surfperch, Walleye Surfperch, Pacific Sanddab, Redtail Surfperch, Jacksmelt, Barred Surfperch, Calico Surfperch, Shinerperch, White Croaker, Staghorn Sculpin

Piers with at least nine species on a single trip: Crystal Pier (San Diego), Oceanside Pier, Redondo Sportfishing Pier, Santa Monica Pier, Goleta Pier, Gaviota Pier, Port View Park Pier (Oakland), Elephant Rock Pier, Fort Baker Pier, Citizen’s Dock (Crescent City)

Mix of fish from the Goleta Pier — 2004

Piers with at least eight species on a single trip: Imperial Beach Pier, San Clemente Pier, Angel Island Pier, Redondo Sportfishing Pier, Goleta Pier.

Often times when I am on my coast-wide fishing trips I will hit 3-5 piers in a day’s time and each receives a separate record. As a result, sometimes the “daily” number of species may be higher than those recorded at a single pier, especially when I am fishing near Point Conception and making the transition between the colder water central coast piers and warmer water southern California piers. Often I will stay in the Morro Bay/Pismo Beach area overnight, get up early and hit a pier or two in that central coast area (Pismo Beach, Avila, etc.) before heading down to the SoCal piers at Gaviota/ Goleta, etc. On those days you often will see a nice variety of fish.

Multi-species days — from several piers during the same day

Eighteen species days

July 20, 2013 (Monterey Wharf #2 & Monterey Coast Guard Pier) — California Lizardfish, Blue Rockfish, Speckled Sanddab, Pacific Sanddab, Cabezon, Senorita, Pileperch, Sharpnose Seaperch, Onespot Fringehead, Kelp Greenling, Gopher Rockfish, Black & Yellow Rockfish, Painted Greenling, Striped Seaperch, Striped Kelpfish, Corraline Sculpin, Bocaccio, Shinerperch

Painted Greenling from the Monterey Coast Guard Pier — 2013

Corraline (?) sculpin from the Monterey Coast Guard Pier — 2013

Sharpnose Seaperch from Monterey Wharf #2 — 2013

Seventeen species days

August 2, 2013 (San Simeon Pier, Cayucos Pier, Morro Bay North T-Pier and Morro Bay South T-Pier) — California Lizardfish, Spotfin Surfperch, Walleye Surfperch, Calico Surfperch, Barred Surfperch, Speckled Sanddab,  Cabezon, White Croaker, Jacksmelt, Onespot Fringehead, Bocaccio, Kelp Rockfish, Gopher Rockfish, Black & Yellow Rockfish, Brown Rockfish, Chilipepper Rockfish, Vermilion Rockfish

Calico Surfperch from the San Simeon Pier — 2013

Spottfin Surfperch from the San Simeon Pier —2013

Kelp Rockfish from the South Morro Bay T-Pier — 2013

Strange looking Black and Yellow Rockfish from the South Morro Bay T-Pier; appears to be missing part of its tail

Gopher Rockfish from the South Morro Bay T-Pier — 2013

Sixteen species days

July 30, 2004 (Gaviota Pier, Stearns Wharf, Port Hueneme Pier, Ventura Pier) — Pacific Sardine, Shinerperch, Speckled Sanddab, Jacksmelt, Topsmelt, Jack Mackerel, Rubberlip Seaperch, Kelp Bass, Pacific Mackerel, Walleye Surfperch, Staghorn Sculpin, Thornback Ray, Cabezon, Queenfish, White Croaker, Pacific Butterfish

Fifteen species days

April 24, 2009 (Green Pleasure Pier, Cabrillo Mole) — Kelp Bass, Rock Wrasse, Sheephead, Pacific Mackerel, Black Seaperch, Garibaldi, Giant Kelpfish, Opaleye, Halfmoon, Spotted Kelpfish, California Scorpionfish, Treefish, Senorita, Jacksmelt, Kelp Perch

Giant Kelpfish from the Cabrillo Mole, Avalon — 2009

Rock Wrasse from the Green Pleasure Pier, Avalon   

Fourteen species days

July 28, 2009 (Santa Cruz Wharf, Capitola Wharf, Seacliff Pier) —Bocaccio, Blue Rockfish, Jacksmelt, Striped Seaperch, Sharpnose Perch, Shinerperch, Walleye Surfperch, White Croaker, Staghorn Sculpin, Barred Surfperch, Brown Rockfish, Speckled Sanddab, Pacific Mackerel, Jack Mackerel

July 30, 2007 (Imperial Beach Pier, Ocean Beach Pier, Oceanside Harbor Pier, Oceanside Pier) — Pacific Mackerel, Mackerel Jack, Queenfish, Topsmelt, Walleye Surfperch, Pacific Sardine, White Croaker, Kelp Bass, Sargo, Black Croaker, Pacific Bonito, Salema, Sand Bass, Yellowfin Croaker

Black Croaker from the Oceanside Harbor Pier — 2007

October 11, 2006 (Malibu Pier, Port Hueneme Pier, Goleta Pier) — Pacific Mackerel, California Lizardfish, White Seaperch, Jacksmelt, Speckled Sanddab, Shinerperch, Brown Rockfish, Walleye Surfperch, Pileperch, Rainbow Seaperch, Kelp Bass, Jack Mackerel, Gopher Rockfish, Staghorn Sculpin

June 6, 2006 (Goleta Pier, Stearns Wharf, Ventura Pier) — Kelp Perch, Brown Rockfish, Kelp Bass, Pileperch, Barred Surfperch, Senorita, Speckled Sanddab, Padded Sculpin, Walleye Surfperch, Shinerperch, Pacific Mackerel, Jack Mackerel, Queenfish, White Croaker

April 24, 2004 (Green Pleasure Pier, Cabrillo Mole—Catalina) — Kelp Bass, Rock Wrasse, California Scorpionfish, Senorita, Garibaldi, Ocean Whitefish, Sheephead, Giant Kelpfish, Opaleye, Blacksmith, Halfmoon, Jacksmelt, Kelp Perch, Striped Kelpfish

Ocean Whitefish from the Green Pleasure Pier, Avalon

July 27, 1994 (Newport Pier, Aliso Beach Pier, Dana Harbor Pier, San Clemente Pier) — Pacific Mackerel, California Lizardfish, Pacific Sardine, Walleye Surfperch, Sargo, Shinerperch, Opaleye, Kelp Bass, Jacksmelt, Black Seaperch, White Croaker, Queenfish, Salema, California Butterfish

Thirteen species days

April 16, 2011 (Green Pleasure Pier, Cabrillo Mole) — Pacific Mackerel, Pacific Sardine, Jack Mackerel, Northern Anchovy, Kelp Bass, Senorita, Blacksmith, Ocean Whitefish, California Scorpionfish, Salema, Treefish, Kelp Rockfish, Brown Rockfish

August 17, 1993 (Cayucos Pier, San Simeon Pier, Monterey Wharf #2) — White Croaker, Queenfish, Barred Surfperch, Staghorn Sculpin, Shinerperch, Walleye Surfperch, Silver Surfperch, Jacksmelt, Jack Mackerel, Bocaccio, Gopher Rockfish, Speckled Sanddab, Kelp Rockfish

 Barred Surfperch from the San Simeon Pier 

Walleye Surfperch from the San Simeon Pier 

Twelve species days

November 21, 2009 (Venice Pier, Paradise Cove Pier) —White Croaker, California Lizardfish, Walleye Surfperch, Giant Kelpfish, Jacksmelt, Black Seaperch, Sargo, Kelp Bass, Jack Mackerel, Queenfish, Striped Kelpfish, Thornback Ray + 1 Rock Crab (large)

October 10, 2006 (Redondo Sportfishing Pier, Hermosa Beach Pier) — Senorita, Opaleye, Kelp Bass, White Seaperch, Pileperch, Rock Wrasse, Giant Kelpfish, Pacific Mackerel, California Scorpionfish, Mackerel Jack, Pacific Sardine, Jacksmelt

 Rubberlip Seaperch from the Gaviota Pier — 2004

July 13, 2003 (Gaviota Pier, Port San Luis Pier, Cayucos Pier, Morro Bay T-Pier) — Walleye Surfperch, Rubberlip Seaperch, Bocaccio, Cabezon, Thornback Ray, Brown Rockfish, Pacific Sardine, Jacksmelt, White Croaker, Lingcod, Staghorn Sculpin, Shinerperch + Starfish

Garibaldi from the Green Pleasure Pier in Avalon — 2002

April 27, 2002 (Green Pleasure Pier, Cabrillo Mole) — Kelp Bass, Rock Wrasse, Senorita, California Scorpionfish, Sheephead, Giant Kelpfish, Crevice Kelpfish, Kelp Perch, Garibaldi, Pacific Mackerel, Jack Mackerel, Shinerperch

June 28, 1999 (Seal Beach Pier, Huntington Beach Pier, Newport Pier) — Salema, Queenfish, White Croaker, Shovelnose Guitarfish, Pacific Mackerel, Yellowfin Croaker, Round Stingray, Jacksmelt, Bocaccio, Mackerel Jack, California Scorpionfish, Staghorn Sculpin

June 21, 1995 (Belmont Pier, Seal Beach Pier, Huntington Beach Pier, Balboa Pier) — Pacific Mackerel, Salema, Jack Mackerel, Queenfish, Jacksmelt, California Halibut, White Croaker, Gray Smoothhound Shark, Staghorn Sculpin, Kelp Bass, Thornback Ray, Round Stingray

July 26, 1994 (Seal Beach Pier, Huntington Beach Pier, Balboa Pier) — White Croaker, Queenfish, White Seabass, Pacific Mackerel, Salema, Shinerperch, Jacksmelt, Spotfin Croaker, Pacific Butterfish, Fantail Sole, Topsmelt, Jack Mackerel




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3 Responses to Variety, the spice of life —

  1. hg spurrier says:

    i dont see anything about sand sharks [sand tiger sharks] ive caught them at the berkley and martinez piers and in boats around the mothball fleet. six gills, very toothy,green eyed scowling mean looking sharks all the same size 36 in.all caught on ghost shrimp and in the summer.has anyone else caught these?
    are they very uncommon?

    • kenjones says:

      Those are common species but this was a post about certain multi-species trips and shark adventures rarely see a wide variety of species being taken. BTW, what are usually called sand sharks at those piers are generally brown smoothhound sharks and what are sometimes called 6-gills are typically 7-gill sharks.

      • hg spurrier says:

        these sharks had large [1/2in.] teeth curling over the lower jaw and green cat eyes with vertical pupils. i remember my grandfather had a sink full of them in the 60s he called them sand sharks.has anyone else caught these? i would like to know more about them and why they appear in the bay.

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