Posts Tagged Avalon
Dear Old Ben — Famous Seal At Catalina Takes Fish Out Of Hand As Would A Pet Dog Depends on Friendly Fishermen for Food and Waxes Fat on Albacore. Eats immense Quantities of Fish and Roams Seas as Patriarch of the Isolated Tribe If you have visited Avalon on beautiful Catalina Island you have probably [...]
Phylum: Chordata — Class: Actinopterygii (ray-finned fish)— Order: Perciformes (perch like)— Family: Priacanthidae (bigeyes or catalufas)— Genus: Heteropriacanthus (Fitch and Crooke, 1984) Species: Heteropriacanthus carolinus (Cuvier, 1829); from the Greek heteros (different), prion (saw), and akantha thorn) and the Latin carolinus (in reference to geographic area). Identification: Silvery pink, mottled red or solid red in color; [...]
James (GDude) and a nice bonito from the Mole Posted by Mahigeer — Date: April 30, 2009 — The following report is about the trip, rather than the fish count. The trip preparation for me actually started a month before the event. I usually get all of my fishing gear out and go through them. [...]
Date: May 3, 2009 — To: PFIC Message Board — From: Ken Jones — Subject: Another Catalina Report—‘09 I always find the journey over to Catalina to be one of intense anticipation and this trip would be no different. Riding the gentle waves, watching an occasional pod of dolphin, sipping on a hot cup of [...]
Stuck in Catalina With the Bonito Blues Again — Written for and dedicated to Mahigeer (Hashem Nahid) when he was seeking out his first bonito at Catalina in 2006. Although the rest of the UPSAC/PFIC gang were pulling in the boneheads, poor old Hashem just couldn‘t seem to hook one. However, that has now been [...]