Posts Tagged goleta pier
Order Heterodontiformes — Bullhead Sharks—Family Heterodontidae Horn shark from the Cabrillo Mole in Avalon in 2015 Species: Heterodontus francisci (Girard, 1855); from the Greek hetero (different) and odont (tooth) and the Latin francisci (referring to San Francisco). (They have a small pointed tooth at the front of their jaw and a blunt tooth at the [...]
Croakers—Family Sciaeidae White Croaker from the Avila Pier Species: Genyonemus lineatus (Ayres, 1855); from the Greek words genys (lower jaw) and nema (barbel) and the Latin word lineatus (striped). Alternate Names: Tomcod (southern California), roncador (Ventura and Santa Barbara area), kingfish (central and northern California), sewer trout, tommy croaker, and brownie or brown bait. Also [...]
Greenlings and Lingcods—Family Hexagrammidae A small lingcod I caught one day from Citizens Dock in Crescent City Species: Ophidon elongatus (Girard, 1854); from the Greek words ophis (snake) and odons (tooth), and the Latin word elongatus (elongate shaped). Lingcod from the Monterey Coast Guard Pier in 2010 by MBay Alternate Names: Pacific cultus, cultus cod, [...]
Typical juvenile White Seabass aka “seatrout” taken from a pier, this one from the Ocean Beach Pier in August of 2013 Species: Atractoscion nobilis (Ayres, 1860) from the Greek words atrax (spindle) and skion (from sciaena, an old name for a European croaker) and the Latin word nobilis (noble). Called Cynoscion nobilis until the 1990s [...]
Order Myliobatidiformes — Eagle Rays — Family Myliobatididae — Bat Ray A bat ray from Fortman Marina in Alameda Species: Myliobatis californica (Gill, 1865); from the Greek words myl (a tooth or molar), io (an arrow or poison), batis (a skate or ray) and the Latin word Californica (referring to location). Apparently called aetobatus californica [...]