Posts Tagged Malibu Pier

Can You Eat Spider (Sheep) Crabs?

Eating Spider Crabs — From the pages of Pier Fishing In California ( A large spider crab taken by SanClementeEric at the Redondo Beach Pier in 2005 Date: September 4, 1999 To: PFIC Message Board From: Sarcastic Fringehead Subject: If it’s edible, somebody will eat it…. People eat anything and everything…I’ve seen guys catch turtles [...]

Striped Bass

 Order Perciformes  Temperate Basses—Family Moronidae  Striped Bass taken from the Fort Point Pier  Species: Morone saxatilis (Walbaum, 1792); from Morone (a word of unknown origin attributed to Samuel Latham Mitchell who named it in 1814) and the Latin saxatilis (to live among rocks). CA Fish Bulletin #28 (1930) uses the name Roccus lineatus. CA Fish [...]

White Seabass

Typical juvenile White Seabass aka “seatrout” taken from a pier, this one from the Ocean Beach Pier in August of 2013 Species: Atractoscion nobilis (Ayres, 1860) from the Greek words atrax (spindle) and skion (from sciaena, an old name for a European croaker) and the Latin word nobilis (noble).  Called Cynoscion nobilis until the 1990s [...]

Bat Ray

Order Myliobatidiformes —  Eagle Rays — Family Myliobatididae — Bat Ray A bat ray from Fortman Marina in Alameda Species: Myliobatis californica (Gill, 1865); from the Greek words myl (a tooth or molar), io (an arrow or poison), batis (a skate or ray) and the Latin word Californica  (referring to location). Apparently called aetobatus californica [...]

Thornback Ray

Order Rhinobatiformes —  Thornbacks — Family Platyrhinidae Thornback rays taken at the Ventura Pier Species: Platyrhinoidis triseriata (Jordan & Gilbert, 1880); from the Greek words platys (flat and broad), rhin (shark with a rough skin), oid (like) and is (similar), and the Latin words tri (three) and seriat (rows, in reference to the three rows [...]