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The 2008 Avila Pier Get Together —

In 2008 a group of anglers from (Pier Fishing In California) had a Get-Together at the Central California town of Avila. Unfortunately, I couldn’t be there but they had a great time — and caught several nice halibut. Herein the messages from the people that attended. The group at the Get Together (Front row: [...]

Pier Fishing In California (the book) and in the news—

The First Article —USA Weekend Magazine, May 9, 1997 Pier Fishing In California and the website was mentioned in the article Of course there have been other articles — SITTIN’ ON THE DOCK OF THE BAY Pier fishing site assists anglers in California By Thom Gabrukiewicz, (Redding) Record Searchlight August 15, 2004 Ken Jones [...]