March 2011 archives
This picture of the Imperial Beach Pier in 1910 shows the “wave energy machines” out at the end of the pier. The idea was to use the “free” energy of the ocean to provide the electrical needs for the local area (see below). Unfortunately it didn’t work. BTW, several other SoCal piers saw similar attempts [...]
A Black Sea Bass from Catalina By Charles Frederick Holder, 1891 It is said that when the purchase of the Northwest coast was contemplated by the United States Government, an old English raconteur and fly-fisherman remarked, “Oh, let the Yankees have it; the salmon won’t rise to a fly.” Southern California might go by [...]
A large striper from the Fort Point Pier in San Francisco This week a judge in the U.S. District Court, Fresno, California, sounded what may be the death knell for striped bass in the not so Golden State. Politics and the fight over water has reared its head once again in California. (See article at [...]
San Simeon Bay is one of those beautiful spots along California’s coast that almost seems to demand that a person stop and take a look around the area. The juxtaposition of sky, land and ocean can grab the attention of the soul, as well as the eye, and provide respite, even if only briefly, to [...]