Posts Tagged Berkeley Pier

2012 PFIC/UPSAC Mud Marlin Derby, Berkeley Pier

Date: May 21, 2012 — To: PFIC Message Board — From: Illcatchanything2 — Subject: Mud Marlin Derby 2012 A great event. Like Red Fish said, the weather was the best that I can ever remember for an MMD. wind was very lite, jackets, etc. did not even come out until around 10pm. We had 43 [...]

California’s Longest Piers

The question in regard to the length of California’s piers is one that has come up fairly often and there is a lot of misinformation out there. Here’s the lengths — Pier— Length — Comments 1. San Mateo Pier — 4,135 feet — Part of the old San Mateo Bridge — now closed 2. Berkeley [...]

2013 PFIC/UPSAC Mud Marlin Derby, Berkeley Pier

2013 Mud Marlin Derby Logo — 1st place among voters Date: May 21, 2013 — To: PFIC Message Board — From: Illcatchanything2 — Subject: Mud Marlin Derby Report We had great weather and a good turnout for our 12th annual MMD. We had 62 registered participants. A total of 12 Rays hit the deck during [...]

2009 PFIC/UPSAC Mud Marlin Derby #2, Berkeley Pier

The 2009 Mud Marlin Derby was scheduled and held on April 4, 2009. However, no mud marlin (bat rays) were caught so the “pier rats” called for a second derby. In response, a second derby was held on August 1 of that year — with better results. Berkeley Pier before the crowd! Date: August 2, [...]

2009 PFIC/UPSAC Mud Marlin Derby #1, Berkeley Pier

The 2009 Mud Marlin Derby was scheduled and held on April 4, 2009. However, no mud marlin (bat rays) were caught and the “pier rats” called for a second derby. In response, a second derby was held on August 1 of that year — with better results. Date: April 5, 2009 —To: PFIC Message Board [...]