Posts Tagged leopard shark
August 15, 2018 saw the 30th Annual “Kid’s Day on the Pier” at the Marin Rod & Gun Club on San Quentin Point in San Rafael, California. The event was co-sponsored by UPSAC (United Pier and Shore Anglers of California), PFIC (Pier Fishing In California), and the IGFA (International Game Fish Association). The day saw [...]
29th Annual “Kids Day on the Pier” A Success The Marin Rod and Gun Club, started in 1926, celebrated its 91st birthday this year and is one of California’s oldest and, in my opinion, best clubs in the state. August 19, 2017 saw the 29th Annual “Kid’s Day on the Pier” at the Marin Rod [...]
The pier sits adjacent to and almost under the Dumbarton Bridge This pier in Newark was a virtual copy of the Ravenswood Pier, its sister pier to the west. However, it is still open while the Ravenswood Pier is history. The similarity was to be expected since this pier, for the most part, is [...]
This is the only pier that I ever fished “before” its official grand opening. I had been eagerly awaiting its opening when I received an e-mail early in 2002 announcing that yes indeed it was finally open. Soon after, I headed down to the pier to try it out. What I found was unexpected: a [...]
July 30, 2016, saw the Marin Rod and Gun Club in San Rafael celebrate its 28th Annual “Kid’s Day on the Pier” at its iconic, quarter-mile-long wooden pier. 61 youngsters, ages 4-15, parents, friends and club members enjoyed the mild 83-degree weather, a refreshing breeze, and cooperative fish that brought excitement and joy to the [...]