October 2015 archives
Early morning at the Trinidad Pier Although the main impetus for this trip, as well as most of the trips to the Humboldt-Del Norte coast, has been on fishing—i.e., fishing the piers or helping manage the Trinidad Youth Fishing Derby, the number of sights along the trail inevitably call for stops to enjoy the nature [...]
Whenever I take a trip to the piers in California’s most northern coastal counties—Marin, Sonoma, Humboldt and Del Norte, I’m reminded of the diversity and beauty of the entire region. I’m also reminded of why it’s called the “Redwood Empire.” In Marin County, just north of the Golden Gate Bridge, the scene is mostly urban [...]
The Trinidad Pier aka Seascape Pier On Saturday, October 3, 2015, the wind at Trinidad was blowing at a 30-40 mile per hour clip with gusts hitting 50-60 mph. On the beach, visitors were greeted with gusts of sand and “watch your hat” conditions. The main question was would the wind continue AND would we [...]