Posts Tagged Monterey Wharf #2
The question in regard to the length of California’s piers is one that has come up fairly often and there is a lot of misinformation out there. Here’s the lengths — Pier— Length — Comments 1. San Mateo Pier — 4,135 feet — Part of the old San Mateo Bridge — now closed 2. Berkeley [...]
Damselfishes—Family Pomacentridae Species: Chromis punctipinnis (Cooper, 1863); from the Greek word chromis (a type of Mediterranean fish) and the Latin words punctipinnis (for spot and fin). Alternate Names: Blue perch, kelp perch, rock bass and black perch. In Mexico called castañeta herrera. Identification: Perch-shaped but not so deep—compressed and somewhat elongate. Their dorsal fin is [...]
If anyone knows of fish that should be added to the list please contact me. Some unofficial records —gathered from published reports 50 Pound White Seabass — Imperial Beach Pier 83 Lbs. — Newport Pier, 1920s—Source: Personal communication, Patrick Kennedy, Baldy’s Tackle (1990) 61 LBS. — Newport Pier, Roger Jackson, December 1, 1927 — Source: [...]
Photo courtesy of Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Species: Sardinops sagax (Jenyns, 1842); from the Latin word sardine (sardina), the Greek word ops (like), and the Latin word sagux (of quick perception, acute or alert). Alternate Names: Pilchard, ‘dines, dinies (small sardines) and dinos, firecrackers (small sardines), rhinos [...]
Sablefishes—Family Anoplopomatidae Adult sablefish caught by fishermen in the “Dory Fleet” that sits next to the Newport Pier Species: Anoplopoma fimbria (Pallas, 1814); from the Greek words anoplis (unarmed) and poma (operculum or gill cover), and the Latin word fimbria (fringe). Alternate Names: Commercially called blackcod in Washington and butterfish in California. Other names include [...]