Posts Tagged Monterey Wharf #2

California’s Longest Piers

The question in regard to the length of California’s piers is one that has come up fairly often and there is a lot of misinformation out there. Here’s the lengths — Pier— Length — Comments 1. San Mateo Pier — 4,135 feet — Part of the old San Mateo Bridge — now closed 2. Berkeley [...]


Damselfishes—Family Pomacentridae Species: Chromis punctipinnis (Cooper, 1863); from the Greek word chromis (a type of Mediterranean fish) and the Latin words punctipinnis  (for spot and fin). Alternate Names: Blue perch, kelp perch, rock bass and black perch. In Mexico called castañeta herrera. Identification: Perch-shaped but not so deep—compressed and somewhat elongate. Their dorsal fin is [...]

Record (Unofficial) Pier Caught White Seabass

If anyone knows of fish that should be added to the list please contact me.  Some unofficial records —gathered from published reports  50 Pound White Seabass — Imperial Beach Pier 83 Lbs. — Newport Pier, 1920s—Source: Personal communication, Patrick Kennedy, Baldy’s Tackle (1990) 61 LBS. — Newport Pier, Roger Jackson, December 1, 1927 — Source: [...]

Pacific Sardine

            Photo courtesy of Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Species: Sardinops sagax (Jenyns, 1842); from the Latin word sardine  (sardina), the Greek word ops  (like), and the Latin word sagux  (of quick perception, acute or alert). Alternate Names: Pilchard, ‘dines, dinies (small sardines) and dinos, firecrackers (small sardines), rhinos [...]


Sablefishes—Family Anoplopomatidae Adult sablefish caught by fishermen in the “Dory Fleet” that sits next to the Newport Pier Species: Anoplopoma fimbria (Pallas, 1814); from the Greek words anoplis  (unarmed) and poma (operculum or gill cover), and the Latin word fimbria  (fringe). Alternate Names: Commercially called blackcod in Washington and butterfish in California. Other names include [...]