Posts Tagged Ocean Beach Pier

California’s Longest Piers

The question in regard to the length of California’s piers is one that has come up fairly often and there is a lot of misinformation out there. Here’s the lengths — Pier— Length — Comments 1. San Mateo Pier — 4,135 feet — Part of the old San Mateo Bridge — now closed 2. Berkeley [...]

Record (Unofficial) Pier Caught California Halibut

If anyone knows of fish that should be added to the list please contact me.  Some unofficial records —gathered from published reports 62 ¼ lbs. — Los Angeles Long Wharf, August 17, 1917 — Source: Port of Los Angeles, A Phenomenon of the Railroad Era, Ernest Marquez, 1975 58 Lbs. 11 Oz — Santa Monica [...]


Sea Chubs—Family Kyphosidae Species: Hermosilla azure (Jenkins & Evermann, 1889); from Hermosillo (the name of the capitol city of Sonora Province in Mexico, near where first collected) and the Latin word azurea (sky-blue coloring). Alternate Names: Zebra perch, convict fish and sea chub. In Mexico called chopa azul or chopa bonita. Identification: An oval-shaped body [...]

White Seabass

Typical juvenile White Seabass aka “seatrout” taken from a pier, this one from the Ocean Beach Pier in August of 2013 Species: Atractoscion nobilis (Ayres, 1860) from the Greek words atrax (spindle) and skion (from sciaena, an old name for a European croaker) and the Latin word nobilis (noble).  Called Cynoscion nobilis until the 1990s [...]

Shortfin Corvina

 Shortfin Corvina — Tony Troncale, Crystal Pier, San Diego Species: Cynoscion parvipinnis (Ayres, 1861); from the Greek words kyon (dog) and skion (from sciaena, an old name for a European croaker) and the Latin words parvi (small) and pinnis (fins).   Alternate Names: Bigtooth corvina, shortfin seabass, sea trout, weakfish, caravina and my personal favorite—vampire [...]