November 2014 archives

Kelp Perch

    Species: Brachyistius frenatus (Gill, 1862); from the Greek words brachys (short) and istion (sail), and the Latin word frenatus  (bridled). Family Embiotocidae, subfamily Embiotocinae. Alternate Names: Brown seaperch, brown perch and kelp seaperch. In Mexico called mojarra sargacera or perca. Identification: Typical perch shape. Kelp perch have a compressed body, long pointed snout, [...]

Sharpnose Perch

Sharpnose Seaperch from Monterey Wharf #2 Species: Phanerodon atripes (Jordan & Gilbert, 1880); from the Greek root words phaneros (meaning evident) and odons (tooth) and the Latin words atri  (entrance) and pes  (base of). Family Embiotocidae, subfamily Embiotocinae. Alternate Names: Blackfoot seaperch and sharpnose surfperch. In Mexico called mojarra picuda. Identification: These surfperch are very [...]


Pileperch from Monterey Wharf $2 Species: Damalichthys vacca (Girard, 1855); from the Greek root words racos (ragged) and cheilos (lips) and the Latin word vacca  (like a cow). Family Embiotocidae, subfamily Embiotocinae. Alternate Names: Splittail perch, forktail perch, dusky perch, white perch, silver perch, piler perch, and porgy. In Mexico called mojarra muellera or perca. [...]


Shinerperch from the Commercial Street Dock in Eureka Species: Cymatogaster aggregata (Gibbons, 1854); from the Greek root words cymo (foetus or fetus) and gastro (belly) and the Latin word aggregatus (crowded together, referring to the schooling nature of the fish). Family Embiotocidae, subfamily Embiotocinae. Alternate Names: Commonly called shiner; also 7-11 perch, leven perch, yellow [...]


   Dwarfperch from the Ferry Point Pier in Point Richmond Species: Micrometrus minimus (Gibbons, 1854); from the Greek words mikros (small) and metr (having a womb), and the Latin word minim  (smallest). Family Embiotocidae, subfamily Embiotocinae. Alternate Names: None that I have heard, although I have seen them mistakenly called shinerperch. In Mexico called mojarra [...]