Posts Tagged Crystal Pier

Bat Ray

Order Myliobatidiformes —  Eagle Rays — Family Myliobatididae — Bat Ray A bat ray from Fortman Marina in Alameda Species: Myliobatis californica (Gill, 1865); from the Greek words myl (a tooth or molar), io (an arrow or poison), batis (a skate or ray) and the Latin word Californica  (referring to location). Apparently called aetobatus californica [...]

Walleye Surfperch

Walleye Surfperch Species: Hyperprosopon argenteum (Gibbons, 1854); from the Greek root words hyper (above) and prosopon (face, from the upward direction of the face) and the Latin word argenteum  (silvery). Family Embiotocidae, subfamily Amphistichinae. Alternate Names: Silver perch, white perch, surf fish, bigeye perch, and China pompano. In Mexico called mojarra ojona or perca. Occasionally [...]

Leopard Shark

Cartilaginous Fishes ——— Class Chondrichthyes — (A skeleton of cartilage that is not true bone)  ——— Subclass Elasmobranchi — Sharks and Rays  ——— Order Carcharhiniformes  ———  Hound Sharks — Family Triakididae Aaron Coons and a leopard shark from the Morro Bay North T-Pier Species: Triakis semifasciata (Girard, 1855); from the Greek word tria  (number three, [...]

Crystal Pier — Pacific Beach (San Diego)

Crystal Pier Small though it may be, this pier has long held special affection for me for a number of reasons. Most prominent may be the fact that Crystal was the site of my first foray into the adventurous world of California pier fishing. The time was the “I Like Ike” era of the ‘50s, [...]

Yellowfin Croaker

Yellowfin croaker, Crystal Pier in San Diego  Species: Umbrina roncador (Jordan & Gilbert, 1882); from the Greek word umbra  (shade, referring to its darkened, shady sides) and the Spanish word roncador  (a snorer, or to snore). It is, afterall, a croaker. Alternate Names: Surf fish, golden croaker, Catalina croaker, yellowtailed croaker and yellowfinned roncador. In [...]