Posts Tagged Kelp Greenling
Sunday, September 9, saw youth assemble at the Trinidad Pier (in the beautiful redwoods just 24 miles north of Eureka) to participate in the 5th Annual Trinidad Pier Youth Fishing Derby sponsored by United Pier and Shore Anglers of California (UPSAC), the Cher-Ae Heights Indian Community of the Trinidad Rancheria, the International Game Fish Association [...]
Although chilly the previous afternoon, Sunday, September 17, 2017 turned out to be a beautiful day at Trinidad, the small town located on California’s scenic redwood-forested, northwest coast just 24 miles north of Eureka. It was a perfect day to go fishing! Luckily, a kids fishing derby just happened to be scheduled at the Trinidad [...]
Greenlings and Lingcods—Family Hexagrammidae A kelp greenling caught at the small pier in Brookings Harbor, Oregon Species: Hexagrammos decagrammus (Pallas, 1810); from two combinations of Greek words; hex (six) and gramma (line), deca (ten) and gramma (line, referring to the number of lateral lines on the side of the fish). Alternate Names: Commonly called seatrout; [...]
The pier in Brookings Harbor is a public pier but unlike California where public piers do not require a license, you do need one in Oregon. The one day license I bought was $19. In September of 2014 I attended an Outdoor Writers Association of California (OWAC) conference in Smith River. As always, I enjoyed [...]
The Trinidad Pier aka Seascape Pier On Saturday, October 3, 2015, the wind at Trinidad was blowing at a 30-40 mile per hour clip with gusts hitting 50-60 mph. On the beach, visitors were greeted with gusts of sand and “watch your hat” conditions. The main question was would the wind continue AND would we [...]