Posts Tagged Lingcod

2018 Trinidad Pier Youth Fishing Derby

Sunday, September 9, saw youth assemble at the Trinidad Pier (in the beautiful redwoods just 24 miles north of Eureka) to participate in the 5th Annual Trinidad Pier Youth Fishing Derby sponsored by United Pier and Shore Anglers of California (UPSAC), the Cher-Ae Heights Indian Community of the Trinidad Rancheria, the International Game Fish Association [...]


Greenlings and Lingcods—Family Hexagrammidae A small lingcod I caught one day from Citizens Dock in Crescent City Species: Ophidon elongatus (Girard, 1854); from the Greek words ophis (snake) and odons (tooth), and the Latin word elongatus  (elongate shaped). Lingcod from the Monterey Coast Guard Pier in 2010 by MBay Alternate Names:  Pacific cultus, cultus cod, [...]

A visit to Citizens Dock in Crescent City — and some fish

Citizens Dock in Crescent City Last week while visiting the north coast I made a short, three-hour, afternoon visit to Citizens Dock in Crescent City. As always, there was a nice variety of fish to be had by the inshore rocks and it’s a good thing because they have now restricted fishing from most of [...]

Point Arena Pier

Air view of the Point Arena Cove and Pier (photo Courtesy of Wharf Masters Inn) On March 26, 1987, Point Arena had a celebration. On that date, a new pier was dedicated at the picturesque cove, located just down the road from the center of town. While state, county and city officials gave their usual [...]

A Trip to the Farallon Islands — Rockfish and Crabs

December 23, 2014, saw a group of Pier Fishing in California regulars try something a little different, a journey to the Farallon Islands on the Golden Eye 2000 out of Berkeley Marina. The quest, some fresh rockfish, hopefully some lingcod, and enough crabs for Christmas dinner.  Limits of rockfish were achieved, only three lingcod were [...]