Posts Tagged Malibu Pier

Kelpfishes — Family Clinidae

California is blessed with a number of attractive little kelpfishes that unfortunately are rarely seen by an angler unless he or she is using small hooks in search of perch. Herein, are several of the smaller species. The Giant Kelpfish, Heterostichus rostratus, is given a different article). Striped Kelpfish Striped Kelpfish from the Malibu Pier Species: [...]

Leopard Shark

Cartilaginous Fishes ——— Class Chondrichthyes — (A skeleton of cartilage that is not true bone)  ——— Subclass Elasmobranchi — Sharks and Rays  ——— Order Carcharhiniformes  ———  Hound Sharks — Family Triakididae Aaron Coons and a leopard shark from the Morro Bay North T-Pier Species: Triakis semifasciata (Girard, 1855); from the Greek word tria  (number three, [...]