Posts Tagged Newport Fish

The Newport Beach Dory Fleet — Looking Back #7 — 1989

Hunky Dory — Plucking Fish From a Dangerous Ocean in a Small Boat: ‘This, It’s Not Easy, You Know?’ Says One Who Does It Onshore, the bright orange morning sun has just begun to show behind the towers of Newport Center, nearly 4 miles to the north, as Nick D’Amato falls into a relentless, flailing [...]

The Newport Beach Dory Fleet — Looking Back #6 — 1988

Dory Fishermen’s Catch of the Day Is Certain to Be Fresh Want to know if Nick D’Amato’s fish are fresh? Shake hands with him. One solid grip will tell you that he pulled his catch of red snapper and sea trout out of the Catalina Channel maybe three hours before. They are the hands of [...]

The Newport Beach Dory Fleet — Looking Back #5 — 1973

She Doesn’t Crab About Fishwife’s Life Newport Beach—Carrie Beck was born to the good life. She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth and a stable in the backyard. She grew up in relative luxury in Fall River, Mass., and once rode her way to a first-place ribbon in a horse show at [...]

The Newport Beach Dory Fleet — Looking Back # 4 — 1971

A Line to the Sea—and the Past: Newport Beach Dorymen Like Biblical Fishers Newport Beach—The dory fishermen of Newport Beach have been likened to the fishermen of biblical times on the shores of the Sea of Galilee. Poems have been written about them. A restaurant, The Dorymen, has been named for them. Books and magazine [...]

The Newport Beach Dory Fleet — Looking Back #3 — 1969

 A Diminishing Breed: Dorymen of Newport  Newport Beach (AP).— Times are tough for the Newport doryman. But a dozen or so still put to sea before dawn each day in tiny one-man boats seeking crab, lobster or whatever good-eating fish can be found as far as 30 miles from shore. They are back at Newport [...]