Posts Tagged Sevengill Shark

Dumbarton Pier

            The pier sits adjacent to and almost under the Dumbarton Bridge This pier in Newark was a virtual copy of the Ravenswood Pier, its sister pier to the west.  However, it is still open while the Ravenswood Pier is history. The similarity was to be expected since this pier, for the most part, is [...]

Sevengill Shark

Subclass Elasmobranchi—Sharks and Rays  Order Hexanchiformes —  Cow Sharks—Family Hexanchidae A sevengill taken from the Oyster Point Pier by Matt Shockley in 2003 Species: Notorynchus cepedianus (Perón, 1807); from the Greek roots noto (back) and r(h)ynchos (snout); and the Latin cepidianus (spotted). Alternate Names: Broadnose sevengill shark, cow shark, spotted cow shark, mud shark, bluntnose [...]