Posts Tagged Trinidad Pier

Calico Surfperch

   Calico Surfperch Species: Amphistichus koelzi (Hubbs, 1933); from the Greek words amphi (double) and stoichos (series, referring to the two rows of teeth in each jaw) and Walter Koelz, a U.S. ichthyologist. Family Embiotocidae, subfamily Amphistichinae. Alternate Names: Surf perch, humpback perch, porgie (or porgee). Called majarra angaripola or perca in Mexico. Identification: Their [...]

Striped Seaperch

Surfperches—Family Embiotocidae    Striped Seaperch from the Trinidad Pier Species: Embiotoca lateralis (Agassiz, 1854); from the Greek root words embios (living) and tocos (to bring forth) and the Latin word lateralis  (lateral, due to their blue stripes). Family Embiotocidae, subfamily Embiotocinae. Alternate Names: Striped surfperch, rainbow perch, blue perch, striped surf fish. Early-day names included [...]

Black Rockfish

Black Rockfish  — Trinidad Pier Species: Sebastes melanops (Girard, 1856); from the Greek words sebastes (magnificent), melas (black), and ops  (face). Alternate Names: Commonly called black bass, bass rockfish or black snapper; also confused with and called blue rockfish; sometimes called bluefish, Columbia River rockfish, gray rockfish, Pacific snapper, black rock cod; Commercial fishermen once [...]

Trinidad Pier —

  This past week I heard that the Trinidad Pier is closed for reconstruction. I knew it was coming but it’s still a shock to think that the old pier will be gone. But at least I have my memories — Did you hear the one about Rosie and The Creature From The Black Lagoon? [...]