Posts Tagged White Sturgeon

Dumbarton Pier

            The pier sits adjacent to and almost under the Dumbarton Bridge This pier in Newark was a virtual copy of the Ravenswood Pier, its sister pier to the west.  However, it is still open while the Ravenswood Pier is history. The similarity was to be expected since this pier, for the most part, is [...]

San Mateo Pier aka the Werder Pier — Gone But Not Forgotten

 The pier and the nearby San Mateo-Hayward Bridge in 1991 There was a time when this was “the treasure chest” among the piers located in south San Francisco Bay. It was perhaps the best pier from which to catch sharks in the entire bay (including large seven gill sharks) and the best place for a [...]

Did you ever wish you were born in an earlier age?

Sometimes the pictures of fish caught back in the early years can leave you wishing you were around in those days. A few examples — Totuava — San Felipe, Mexico — 1925 Today totuava are endangered and illegal to keep Giant (Black) Sea Bass taken at Coronado in 1905 Today the number of Giant (Black) [...]

White Sturgeon — America’s Largest Freshwater Fish

White Sturgeon — From Pier Fishing in California, 2nd Ed. Species: Acipenser transmontanus (Richardson, 1836); from the Latin words Acipenser (bony cartilage), trans (across), and montes (mountains). Alternate Names: Pacific sturgeon, Sacramento sturgeon, Oregon sturgeon and Columbia sturgeon. Called esturión blanco in Mexico. Identification: White sturgeon have a long, streamlined body with a broad, flattened [...]